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*アドバイザー [#n02ea273]

「Good day」から始まる場合は、現時点で特に改善点は無し。~




**Agriculture [#gd7618a1]
|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, it took too long to store our harvest. Some of it was ruined by the winter. Improving paths to a granary would help.」|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, we grow more food than we can store.Rats eat the excess! We need more granaries.」|


**City [#qe45339b]

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, let's grow our population, try duilding houses for people to move in to.」|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, the peasants think you're an excellent ruler,Congratulations!」|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, the peasants are very happy.This means we can tax them with a Treasure Room and grow the royal coffers!」|
|~和訳|農民たちはとても満足しています。これは宝物庫(Treasure Room)で税金をかけて、国庫を潤すことができるということです!|
|~詳細|幸福度が高いので宝物庫(Treasure Room)を建てて税金を徴収しても大きな問題は発生しないということ。|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, your kingdom is happy and content.Perhaps we should raise taxes at a Treasure Room?」|
|~和訳|あなたの王国は幸せで満足しています。もしかしたら宝物庫(Treasure Room)で税金を引き上げるべきでしょうか?|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, the peasants are mostly fine but we can do better. Try examining a house to see how to improve our peasants conditions.」|
|~和訳|農民は概ね満足していますが、もっとうまくいくことができます。 家を調べて農民の条件を改善する方法を見てみましょう。|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, we have new construction but no one available to build it. Perhaps we should temporarily close other building and buildings and build new homes.」|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, let's make life better for our peasants. Try building nice large houses,or other things the peasants might enjoy.」|
|~和訳|私たちの農民にとってより良い生活をしましょう。 素敵な大きな家を建てたり、農民が楽しめる他のものを試してみてください。|

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「sire, I'll bet the peasants would enjoy a taverni I'd enjoy that too,..」|


**Military [#cc066990]

|~メッセージ|BGCOLOR(yellow):~「Sire, did you see the dragon? Perhaps we should build some defences in case if ever decides to return.」|
|~和訳|あなたはドラゴンを見ましたか? もしもの時のために私たちは防衛設備を整えておくべきかもしれない。|



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